Once again, “this too shall pass” did work…
December 9th, 2009Just read my comment on the post “Didn’t get it right this time… your thoughts are welcome…” below.
Just read my comment on the post “Didn’t get it right this time… your thoughts are welcome…” below.
If you haven’t signed up for a free trial at BrainPop.com, then I hope you are already a subscriber. There isn’t any other excuse. And now, while you need the kids to have something to do on their days off before the relatives come over to entertain them (and after you have cleaned the house of course), is the best time. Math, Science, Literature, you name it. They get to go on line, and learn stuff. And the “lessons” are really short and very interesting. Seriously, stop reading and go sign up right now. http://www.brainpop.com/store/trial_step1_new.weml
I really dislike most toys. I think they are a waste, don’t last, and very few have staying power. My kids use the trampoline more than every toy we own combined. And that is a lot of toys.
So I don’t recommend toys lightly. There are a few I love that just get used so often. For me, a toy is worth it if it can be used in more than one way by different children at different ages and with different personalities. Maybe that is the nature of my large family, but I don’t think so. You want toys to adapt to cousins, playdates, and of course, our children growing at a rate that is just far, far too fast.
All of this long-winded preamble is to let you know that the Aquadoodle Wall Mat is one of my all time favorites. Every house with a toddler should have one! It allows a child to write on the wall with water – the pens only take water – and then it dries, and we start over.
Mine is in the hallway just next to my kitchen, so my kids can be near me, engaged, creative — and leaving me alone to work at the same time.
There are several versions, some are girl-ish and some boy-ish…. neutral as possible is good since every kid large and small (including teenagers) cannot resist writing some “kosher grafitti” when given the chance. You probably will use it too.
For those of you in Israel, this is the best toy to ask for or bring, b/c it is FLAT, and can therefore fit quite easily in Bubbe’s suitcase.
You can find them in a lot of stores, but here is a link to the best price I have seen:
Order extra pens, so lots of kids can use it together.
No; I get no money or any other perks, this is just my recommendation. I didn’t buy mine at Toys R Us, FWIW.
I would love recommendations of your faves as well; cannot believe we are going to have to cram more stuff into this house come Chanukah time…
Yesterday was cold and rainy. A terrible day to drag one’s self out to the grocery store. Even worse day to drag the 19 month old to the grocery store. At the end of my trip, I did what I usually am so very good about resisting. I succumbed to the Dunkin’ Donuts stationed in the exit. I hate being a predictable victim to consumerism and impulse buying. I cannot afford the calories of said coffee drink, and I could make one at home 20 minutes later for pennies on the dollar. So, usually I know better.
Yesterday was cold and rainy. And I was tired. And the baby had me at the end of my rope — a regular occurrence in the grocery store. So I did. I bought a frozen cappucinno. And it was good.
On top of my giving in to temptation, the baby grabbed it to drink some. And I didn’t stop him. The sugar alone is terrible for him, the next time will be even harder for him to accept no, and the caffeine? Well, I am ensuring his stunted growth and lifelong resulting trauma from those sips. This is all what went through my mind, as I punished myself for not allowing him to throw a fit instead. I am the parent, and I should stop this terrible two’s behavior now. Who cares that I am tired? If I give in just until I get to the car, it will be fine…
…. not more than one minute later, 2/3 of said frozen cappuccino was all over his front – and on the pavement. So much for my money, so much for my sugar/caffeine fix.
… Now I was putting a baby soaked in frozen sticky liquid in the car – in the rain.
… Then groceries in the car – in the rain, to the sound of screaming, unhappy, sticky frozen cappuccino boy.
… Hence my calling it a “punishment”. Sometimes, G-d just wants me to learn the hard way.
…. But, you know I coped with the whole experience by drinking whatever was left of that frozen cappuccino the whole way home.
I bought my daughters new dresses for Rosh Hashanah today. The 4 year old’s dress comes with a matching doll dress. Her 9 and a half year old sister is jealous. A rare event that is the best thing that can ever happen to a 4 year old younger sister who never, ever does or gets anything first or better. Now I can pause to blog because the two girls are playing with doll dresses…. and I find myself happy and nostalgic in advance, wonder how much longer I can enjoy both of them still playing with dolls, dresses and each other…..a moment ago clear
Blogging has now been around for a long time. Why start?
There are a lot of excellent blogs out there that all touch on topics of interest I hope to include here. So why another site?
First of all, I hope to improve my writing. So cliche. Second, I see the SAHM perspective out there in cyberspace on… being a SAHM. We are the most powerful consumers in the US, and perhaps in the world. Many of us have been in the career world and approach the building of our households as a true career, and strive to excel in that career. We spend a great deal of time connected to the world from home through the internet, but are not as savvy at utlizing the resource or the time as much as we should. And we are capable of bringing about great changes in the world.
As a Jewish, religious, passionately Zionistic American-Israeli Baal Teshuvah with a 15 year old stepson and six more children under the age of ten, I feel I do have a unique and worthwhile perspective. One that I hope to share with those who care enough to read.
Most importantly, I have gained wisdom the hard way. Through my own mistakes and trials. I hope what I have gained is a little wisdom. It is this that I hope to share.
This blog includes the things in my daily experience: my thoughts on Israel, historically, politically, and socially. My thoughts on Torah and the Jewish world. My thoughts on raising Jewish children to be a light unto the nations and to repair the world. My thoughts on Music education for children 0-5 years old, specifically Jewish music as a means of learning universal musical concepts. My thoughts on being a second wife, and a stepmom. My recommendations on children’s products that are not a waste of time and money (I believe almost all are).
I might have to throw in an amazing recipe or two at some point, but I suppose if they are for Shabbos then it would fit in the list above somewhere. My apologies if this is too eclectic for you. I hope you find the more specialized blog that suits you.